
Geez, you're nosey! Okay ... fine. Here's all you need to know.

Basically, I used to do a bunch of cool stuff that I don’t do anymore, but now I’m totally entranced with doing other cool stuff that I never even used to think would be worth doing.  I think it’s called “life.”

The most important thing you need to know is that all the photos and writing samples on this site are mine.  Didn’t “borrow” them from anyone else.  So if you decide to “borrow” them from me, please give me a line of credit somewhere.  After all, I worked really hard for a number of years to accumulate all this swell stuff.

I used to have a section called 'The Rants,' but I took it down. There's too much opinion and not enough fact in the world as it is.

Cameras and Stuff

The photos on this site were shot with a variety of cameras, including:

  • Canon Elph pocket camera
  • Fujifilm 100s
  • Fujifilm Xm5
  • Canon Rebel

Most of the shots were handheld, but I do have a nice, relatively inexpensive tripod.

I do a lot of post using Photoshop, Lightroom, and On1.